Adhesive Tapes for Film and Television
- Arts & Entertainment
- Professional Lighting & Sound
- Touring
- Film and Television
- Theater and Stage
- Event, Convention & Party
- Rigging and Electrical
- Hotel AV Departments
- Dance and Music Studios
- Photography
Meet Our
Market Managers:

Director of Business Development for Arts & Entertainment & Graphic Arts
Learn more on our Meet the Team page.
Industry Brochures
Cinematographers, directors, film editors, lighting designers, and a myriad of other film & television professionals understand the importance of every component in front of a lens. That’s why Pro Tapes® offers a line of specialized expendable solutions. In addition to our products, Pro Tapes® has partnered with Shurtape® to bring additional high-quality tape solutions to benefit the film & television Industry.
Products for Film and Television

Pro Gaff® Chroma Key Green is specifically designed for digital keying. The only gaffer tape on the market that is dyed to Chroma Key Green’s exacting requirements. The SRA adhesive system provides high tack and clean removability from most surfaces.