Murilo Cenovicz, known as Sinergia.Art on social media, makes mind-bending optical art using Pro® Artist Tape. Hailing from Brazil, this Portuguese-speaking ophthalmologist-turned-tape-artist tells us the meaning behind his name and what inspires his geometric art practice.
Do you have a website or any social media sites you’d like to share with our audience?
I have my Instagram account:
How long have you been practicing art? What have you experimented with before discovering tape?
Well, I began making art 6 years ago, and for two and a half years I’ve worked with tape.
Before discovering Pro® Artist Tape, I used to work with strings, marker pens and wood works. When I started with tapes, I just continued using the patterns and geometries that I used to work with in the other materials.

Your Instagram profile says you are an Ophthalmologist. Is this true? Does it inspire your artwork?
Yes, I am. I work in both professions, and that’s the reason for the name “Sinergia” (synergy in Portuguese).
From ophthalmology, my artistic work arose; and my artistic work positively influenced ophthalmology in terms of the manual skill for surgery and the advancement of my reasoning and creative thinking, which is so important in my clinical practice.
What else inspires your artwork? It reminds me of optical illusions!
What inspires me are the studies of optics, theories of vision (how we see, how colors are seen, how the brain processes all this, etc.).
I study a lot of quantum physics and energy flows. I am very inspired by sacred geometry – that is, the area of geometry that studies geometric patterns that are found in the universe, nature, cells and in everything that is alive – which are often very present in my work, due to the energetic force that they carry.

It looks like you’re into fashion design, too! Can you talk a little bit about that?
I have a partnership with a clothing brand and I produce digital art designs for the brand. It is an incredible experience because fashion is also art (but not everything people wear is art), and it is extremely interesting to work on a geometric pattern and see it articulate three-dimensionally through a piece of clothing. As a geometric artist, this observation is even a kind of study, which greatly enhances the experience.
Which Pro Tapes® products do you use in your work?
I mostly use Pro® Artist Tape from Pro Tapes® to create my works. They have a great texture, have no elasticity and allow curves in the thickness that I use. I’ve used Pro Gaff® as well, and I like the strength of it, as well as the texture that sometimes is interesting.
How did you discover Pro® Artist Tape?
I was already using tape for generic collages stuck to walls (just studies about ophthalmology), and I liked to manipulate them. Also I was using masking tapes for graffiti.
At that time, I researched on the internet how I could use tape to help in my geometric art works and discovered countless artists that were already using tape as their main material.
I fell in love with tape when I realized it could be a great ally for making straight lines with much less effort than brushes or spray, and with less mess. Pro® Artist Tape optimized my creative process, so I started to use tape in every work.

What does tape allow you to do that other media (for example, paint) does not?
Tape allows me to make straight, homogenous lines, and a unique color, with the same thickness from beginning to end. They have a texture and high relief that interests me a lot.
Plus, In case I miss the exact position I wanted to place the tape within my geometric pattern, I just peel it off and put it elsewhere. No mess, accurate, and with great impact!
What other media / tools do you use along with tape to create your art?
I use stylets to cut the tapes, rulers and compasses, and also digital editing programs to study geometric patterns. In graffiti artworks, I use masking tape, sprays, brushes and paint.
If someone has never used tape to create art, what advice would you give them?
Tapes are very versatile and make it possible to create brilliant artistic styles. But especially if you are an artist and work with geometry, try tapes as soon as possible! You will be impressed by how tape can be a great material for your artwork.