“Learning never exhausts the mind.”
– Leonardo da Vinci
In today’s high tech, fast-changing world, learning and development are essential to stay competitive. This applies whether you’re at work or at home. Think about the last update for your phone and you will realize just how important learning and adapting are!
At Pro Tapes®, we provide learning opportunities for our employees based on the position they are currently in, the position they aspire to, and any other skills they would like to learn to better themselves. Today, we’ll share a few examples of how we support learning at Pro Tapes®.

Language Learning
In today’s increasingly global workplaces, the ability to communicate is important to safety and productivity. We have a diverse workforce, and an even more diverse customer base. That is why we provide our employees with language learning classes, which can be completed on the go via a mobile app or on a website.
Cross-Training Opportunities
Doing the same thing, in the same location, day in and day out can get boring and lead to accidents. We encourage our employees to get cross-trained on different machines and equipment so they can expand their skills and make their day more interesting. This can also lead to promotional opportunities.
Professional Development
We have a wide range of vendors we work with to provide professional development, which allows our employees to choose from thousands of options. Want to learn Excel or PowerPoint? How about Running Effective Meetings? This flexibility allows us to offer specific courses just when an employee needs them the most!
If this sounds like an environment you would thrive in, please reach out to us at hr@protapes.com.