Top 5 DO’s
1. Make sure any advertisements (whether it be via website and/or social media) are easily accessible and interactive. Nobody likes a flawed LinkedIn post that doesn’t load the correct page when clicked on. Not to mention, phones are a large part of today’s society. Make sure mobile friendliness is always considered.
2. BE CREATIVE. This can’t be stressed enough. Try catchy new slogans, new audiences and even new concept designs. These catch the eye of the business you want to have, and therefore makes your marketing concepts more successful and well-received.
3. Include your customer base in any marketing idea. The whole backbone of successful business is knowing your customer on more than just a business level. You want to be able to engage with their life and daily activities. This shows you genuinely care.
4. Put an emphasis on passion- but do not solely talk about it. Yes, being passionate is a good thing. But customers want to know about WHAT you are passionate about. Find a happy medium between the two.
5. Follow up on leads! The faster the better. If someone waits two-three weeks to hear from you, their attention may begin to focus elsewhere.
Avoid these 5 DON’T’s
1. Don’t try to address all customers on one platform. You want everyone to feel as though they are important in their own way- not bundled together with everybody else.
2. Don’t forget the value of samples. If someone becomes interested but is not completely sold, prove you are worth it. A free sample (or a few) is nothing when compared to the potential business deriving from it.
3. Don’t forget email! It may not be the chosen platform for everyone, but as stated, details matter. Make emails interactive and engaging- forgetting this would be like missing a step.
4. Don’t address one group of people more than another. You don’t want to miss out on potential opportunities by only focusing on some.
5. Don’t be timid. Be bold and straightforward with who you are and what you have to offer. Confidence in product is easier for people to respect and consider.
Over the past few years, Pro Tapes & Specialties Inc. ® has continued to improve its Digital Marketing efforts through the addition of team members and innovative software tools Check out Pro Tapes® on all of the popular social media platforms, or visit our website at and sign up to be on our mailing list for the latest solutions in adhesive tapes!